Hybrid & EV car care center

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Electric & Hybrid Vehicles

There are currently three main types of Electric & Hybrid Vehicle on the roads, these are:

Battery Electric Vehicles – these use a large capacity battery and either a single or multiple electric motors to drive the vehicle. Using the electricity supply network the battery is charged when the vehicle is static and not in use. The vehicle intelligently recovers some energy during braking.

Hybrid Electric Vehicles – using both a battery and either a petrol or diesel combustion engine, the vehicles onboard computer automatically selects the most fuel-efficient source of power to meet the driver’s commands. The battery is charged from the internal combustion engine as well as through braking.

Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles – are very similar to hybrid vehicles with the addition that they can also be charged directly from the electricity supply network.

How Do Hybrid Electric Cars Work?

Hybrid electric vehicles are powered by an internal combustion engine and one or more electric motors, which uses energy stored in batteries. A hybrid electric vehicle cannot be plugged in to charge the battery. Instead, the battery is charged through regenerative braking and by the internal combustion engine. The extra power provided by the electric motor can potentially allow for a smaller engine. The battery can also power auxiliary loads and reduce engine idling when stopped. Together, these features result in better fuel economy without sacrificing performance.

How Do All-Electric Cars Work?

TAll-electric vehicles, also referred to as battery electric vehicles (BEVs), have an electric motor instead of an internal combustion engine. The vehicle uses a large traction battery pack to power the electric motor and must be plugged in to a wall outlet or charging equipment, also called electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). Because it runs on electricity, the vehicle emits no exhaust from a tailpipe and does not contain the typical liquid fuel components, such as a fuel pump, fuel line, or fuel tank.

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